Monday 2 April 2018

Never too young to meet Erasmus+: thank you Romania!

Last year, in March, four of us,Giulia, Noemi, Anastasia and Alessia, travelled to Bucharest, in Romania, with two of our teachers for an Erasmus project. Before leaving home, we met a Romanian teacher that taught us some Romanian words, she showed us some traditional costumes and she showed us a video about Bucharest too. We were a little bit scared to leave our families, but we were lucky to find 4 amazing families that treated us like daughters. Each day we did something different: we visited their school, went on some trips and explored the city. We had lots of fun and now we miss our Romanian "families" so much. There, we learned a lot about their culture and we realised that they are not so different from us, even some of their words are similar to Italian words. At the end of the week, we didn't want to leave and some of us started crying on the plane. Our host families are our new friends in Romania and our real families' friends. New relationships have started in Europe. We are so grateful that we did this experience because it helped us grow up and relate to other people from different countries.

Giulia Passaro, Anastasia Giuffrida, Noemi Romano and Alessia di Francesco
Scuola Secondaria di primo grado "Ettore Romagnoli"